viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2011

3 ESO/Pronombres y adjetivos posesivos

Pronombres personales, posesivos y de objeto y adjetivos posesivos

Reescribe las oraciones sustituyendo los elementos en negrita por el pronombre de sujeto y objeto:

a) Irena is talking to our teacher now.
b) Are your parents happy with their new house?
c) My sister and I saw Jonathan last night.
d) Give that ball to the children!
e) You and Marco can take those chairs.
f) Don’t talk to your mother like that.
g) Silvia likes chocolate very much.

Subraya y corrige los errores:

a) No, that notebook isn’t my.
b) Those children are alone, they parents left a minute ago.
c) Laura and me are living together.
d) Don’t open it. It isn’t you.
e) Can you give this pen to he?
f) Mine shoes are dirty.

Completa las oraciones con la partícula correcta:

1.Once upon a time there was a girl called Little Red Riding Hood. Together with ___________ mum, _________ lived in a big forest.
2.One fine day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother said, “_________grandma is ill. Please go and take this cake and a bottle of wine to __________. Grandma’s house is not too far from ___________ house, but always keep to the path and don’t stop!”
3.So, Little Red Riding Hood made ___________ way to Grandma’s house.
4.In the forest _______________ met the big bad wolf.
5.Little Red Riding Hood greeted ____________ and the wolf asked:
6.“Where are _______________ going, Little Red Riding Hood?”
7.“To _____________ grandma’s house.” answered Little Red Riding Hood.
8.“Can you tell ___________ where _______________ grandma lives?”
9.“ _____________ lives in a little cottage at the edge of the forest.”
10.“Why don’t _______________ pick some nice flowers for _____________ ?” asked the wolf.
11.“That’s a good idea.” said Little Red Riding Hood and began looking for flowers. Meanwhile, the wolf was on ____________ way to grandma’s house.
12.The house was quite small but nice and ___________ roof was made out of straw.
13.The wolf went inside and swallowed poor old Grandma. After that ___________ put Grandma’s clothes on and lay down in ________________ bed.


Completa con el pronombre reflexivo correcto:

1.I did not want to believe it and then I saw the UFO ________________
2.The girl looked at__________in the mirror.
3.Freddy, you'll have to do your homework _______________
4.You don't need to help them. They can do it ____________
5.I introduced______________to my new neighbour.
6.Boys, can you make your beds __________?
7.She made _______________a pullover.
8.What happens when a fighting fish sees _____________in the mirror?
9.The father decided to repair the car ____________
10.We can move the table __________________